Wednesday, June 25, 2008

One, two, three, four, five. Count 'em

As if we didn't watch too much TV already.

It's re-run time again and there is the constant wail coming from Him that there is "nothin' on TV," even though we have, what, more than 100 channels!? I can always find something interesting (to me) on Discovery or the History channel, or even an old movie. (He doesn't like old B/W movies.) There is just no compromise. "We can always talk, play cards, read, go somewhere..." I say. "Ha!" He replies and continues channel guide surfing.

We haven't rented a movie in a couple of years because we haven't had a DVD player. So I open my big mouth. "Why don't we just buy a DVD player? They're cheap now." Next day? I'm shopping at Costco in the DVD player isle. He is online signing us up for netflix or something like that and the first DVD should be here tomorrow. Oh Boy! something to watch on TV.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day

Fine looking men: His sons Patrick and Jason with one of His grandsons, Kyle.


Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Red, White and Blue

It completely got past me that Saturday was flag day. I always like to put the flags out for Memorial Day, 4th of July, Flag Day, or any other day that calls for it. His and my father were veterans that fought in WWII. His dad was in the Navy. My dad was a Marine. And, it is possible that His dad delivered my dad to the shores of Iwo Jima in February and March 1945. Anyway, He and I were both raised with great respect for the American Flag and for our fathers who, fortunately, survived combat, but lived with the pain of war the rest of their lives.

But! Flag Day isn't about wars, specifically. Flag Day was originated as a day for all Americans to celebrate and show respect for our it, its designers and makers. Our flag is representative of our independence and our unity as a nation.

  • Famous Flag People:
    Betsy Ross was a seamstress who made clothes for George Washington. In June, 1776, Washington approached her to make the country's first flag and the rest is history.
  • Francis Scott Key Inspired by the British bombardment of Fort McHenry, Francis Scott Key penned the lyrics to our national anthem as he witnessed the event as British rockets whizzed in the air while our American Flag flew in the breeze

  • Did you Know? If you like to study flags, then you are a Vexillologist!

Flag Trivia Impress your friends with what you know about the flag.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Be Still! Will Ya?

We went to dinner with some friends last night and He forgot to wear his regular glasses, the bifocals. He was wearing his computer glasses. So, He couldn't read the menu. He ends up taking my glasses off my face and putting them over his computer glasses. Well, He seemed to read easier but it sure looked funny.

I tried to take a picture of him but he kept moving at the moment I snapped the camera. Finally, I just took a video and here it is.

Monday, June 9, 2008

I tried to make this interesting but it isn't.

Yard Sale Blues...
Well, we had our yard sale Saturday, which means there is a bit more space in the house now. I would have cleared out some more stuff but He was beginning to bring it back in. Actually, yesterday, He wore a shirt I had taken out just to prove he wears it, although, he hadn't worn it in the past five years. I know. I'm the one who does laundry. We fussed over some chairs and he won because he would have been the one to bring them downstairs--and He wasn't going to do that. He uses the chairs in the bedroom to throw his clothes on. Heavy sigh.

The rain held off but it was hot and humid. The best thing about it was we got rid of some clutter. However, I don't want to do this again anytime soon. And, heaven help me, I won't go yard sale shopping with my earnings from this one.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The More I Clean--The Bigger The Mess

Ack! We have too much stuff. The house is cluttered with lots of it. I don't even remember where all of it came from. The frogs, for instance. I like frogs but I don't collect frogs. But somewhere along the way, someone thought I did collect frogs. So, I have lots of frogs; dusty, mish mosh, not so special frogs made of glass, ceramic, wood, and plastic. But that is only one thing--don't get me started.

Our block is having a yard sale this Saturday and all the "stuff" is going. I've been busy cleaning out closets, carrying things from the bedrooms to downstairs and from the basement to upstairs, weeding out the things I haven't used in years or even seen for longer. There are clothes I've "grown out of," and His too. Out they all go this Saturday--really cheap--glasses and lamps, linens and vases, tools and appliances, shoes and nick-knacks, and books. Lots of books! There will be dishes and baskets, a tisket a tasket, lots of old photo albums (empty of course), cassettes and old movies on video tapes.

Out it all goes this Saturday for sale--really cheap--and I'll hurt anyone who tries to bring it back in.

Thanks to the American Kidney Foundation for helping with "clean-up."

Monday, June 2, 2008

It Came Back

Spring came back today. I was out in the yard weeding and looking at the flowers. Can't help myself--gotta share more flowers with you.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Short Spring

For me, it's already summer. Actually, it was summer for me starting yesterday, May 31st, with the temperature at 88 degrees and the humidity probably 200%!!! I didn't care how He felt about it, the AC was going to be turned on. So it was.

At 10 this morning, I stepped outside onto the front porch and the temp wasn't so bad. Other neighbors came out. We chatted. Theresa came out with her dogs and joined in. (She and her dogs, Rover and Ben, were ready for a walk.) She invited Greta and me to join them. Oh Gawd! hem-haw--but I needed to exercise, so okay. Long story short--we walked a three block square, my face turned beat red and I was "dewing" profusely. Greta pulled toward home panting as if she were going to collapse at any moment. I truly believe the two of us were meant to live in Alaska. Theresa walked us back home and she continued her walk. Good for her!

Me? I got into a cold shower to cool down then put on some clean dry clothes. Greta? She lapped up water as if she hadn't had a drink in days, and plopped herself down on the cool floor in front of a fan. We're wimps.