We walked through groups of tourists and biker-guys, throwbacks from the 60's, and one guy sporting long white hair and a long white beard, dressed entirely in very colorful tie-dye outfit--shirt and pants. I didn't dare take his picture noting that he was friendly with a group of rough-looking biker-dudes--probably perfectly harmless. But hey, I wanted to look cool too, so pretended not to notice.
Come on in...
These swinging doors are in amazingly good condition for their 109 years. They were placed after the Palace was destroyed by the Whisky Row Fire on July 14, 1900. The ornately carved 1880's Brunswick Bar, which is still in use, was carried to safety across the street to the plaza by patrons, where they continued to drink the night away.
We sat at the booth named for Morgan Earp, a brother of Wyatt. It seems that in the late 1870's Wyatt Earp, Virgil Earp and Doc Holiday were patrons of The Palace. Still full from lunch, we shared a Quartz Mountain Chicken Quesadilla.
to be continued...
It looks like you all had a great time!