Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Up Mine...

I'm sure (if you are older than 40) you have heard lots of horror stories about colonoscopies and the preparation for them. Well, they are not so bad. Having one does at least a couple of good things for you: 1. It allows detection and removal of potential cancer-causing polyps without abdominal surgery and/or makes sure you have no polyps thus allowing peace of mind. 2. Some say that a good cleansing colonic is a healthy thing to do. At any rate, it allows one to start again, fresh. I'm trying to find some humor in it.

At any rate, five years ago I had my first exam which may have saved my life. The doc found and removed a polyp. So here I am 5 years later following up with another exam. The prep involves liquids and some nasty solution which I tolerated fairly well. I went to bed early hoping to sleep well enough not to feel my pangs of hunger, keeping in mind that this too shall pass, and that there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Puns intended.

At any rate, it is over now and I can happily say the exam was negative. There were no new polyps. "Come back in 5 years," doc said. And I will, because after 36 hours of hunger and discomfort, I was rewarded with the relief of knowing I was polyp-free, and with about 3 seconds of a most fantastic high from the sedation.

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