Sunday, January 18, 2009

As Time Goes By...

I'm amazed that everything I do reminds me of our dear Greta-Girl, our pet German Shepherd of 11-plus years that passed-away a few days ago. I'm having a rough time right now and I know, and everyone tells me, it will get easier to bear as time passes.
I've gone through this before. In the 80's, I adopted a kitten that was rescued from a barn wall. It was an adorable, fluffy, pure white ferrel kitten with blue eyes. I named her Sassy-frass. When I brought her home and put her down, she quickly disappeared under the cabinets in the kitchen. It took a day or so to coax her out. Knowing she would get hungry, I placed a saucer of food at the space that she had climbed behind and stood quietly nearby, waiting for her to creep out. She finally did and I swooped in and grabbed her. I blocked that hole and kept her with me until she trusted me, eventually becoming a wonderful and loving pet.

Well, Sassy was out one day, strayed into the street and was hit by a car. She was quickly carried to the vet but she was injured too badly. I decided to put her to sleep. Sassy was only with me about two years but I was smitten. I remember missing her for a very long time.

So, as I remind myself of my grieving for Sassy, I feel somewhat soothed that I will eventually be able to resume my daily activities without sobbing every few minutes about Greta. I'll be able to mop up spilled water and remember mopping up after Greta when she lapped water all over the floor and not cry. I'll be able to make dollar-sized pancakes without crying about the ones I made for her when we had them on Sunday mornings. I'll be able to vacuum the floor and remember all the hair she shed--everywhere--and not burst into tears. I'll be able to handle a plastic bag and smile when I remember when I used to grab one, shake it in the air, and yell out "Poop Patrol," and she came bounding after me to go outside to clean up her trophies. (She was proud of them, often pointing them out to me.) Greta helped me feed the birds, faithfully following me out to the feeder and "helping" me fill it. She never chased the birds but she would run off a pesty squirrel from time-to-time.

There are so many more great things to remember about Greta and I may have to subject you to them as I work out my pain and grief. This seems to help a bit. Thanks for listening.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Our Grand Dame Greta Liesl

One of the saddest things that can happen to us is to lose a pet that we love dearly. We dearly loved our dog, Greta, a 12 year-old German Shepherd. I found Greta at an animal shelter when she was about 8 months old. She had been "turned in" there for reasons that were not really clear. What was clear was that she was a frightened and unhappy. But she took to me and I took to her. After a couple hours, arrangements were made and I brought her to her new home. Greta was with us for over 11 1/2 years, bringing love and joy every day of those years--even when she dug holes in the yard and chewed on furniture. Soon she outgrew those puppy habits and much too soon (for us) she grew old.
We lost Greta the night of January 14th, 2009. This is a small tribute to her memory and the love she gave us, and we hope she comes to visit us from time to time.
She was a party animal.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Sunday Drive Along the Mississippi River

If you are looking for something to do on a dreary winter day, consider going to the River and watch the eagles. Following this suggestion from M&M, we loaded up our ailing dog in the van and went to Grafton, IL, to watch our National Birds, the eagles yesterday. It was a crisp, windy day and the eagles were active. Armed with binoculars and bundled in down, we watched them. We joined other spectators whose vehicles lined the roads; there were people with cameras armed with huge zoom lenses, and binoculars. They took pictures and studied them with a quiet zeal.
We then drove on to Grafton and stopped for lunch at a nice little bar and grill that had rebuilt after a flood, and enjoyed some beer and a nice bowl of chili with a grilled cheese sandwich--perfect on a winter day. It was nice to get out, and Greta loves a ride in the car. (We were still unable to get her to eat anything and are feeling very sad about that.)
We didn't take pictures and those posted here were lifted from the Internet.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Up Mine...

I'm sure (if you are older than 40) you have heard lots of horror stories about colonoscopies and the preparation for them. Well, they are not so bad. Having one does at least a couple of good things for you: 1. It allows detection and removal of potential cancer-causing polyps without abdominal surgery and/or makes sure you have no polyps thus allowing peace of mind. 2. Some say that a good cleansing colonic is a healthy thing to do. At any rate, it allows one to start again, fresh. I'm trying to find some humor in it.

At any rate, five years ago I had my first exam which may have saved my life. The doc found and removed a polyp. So here I am 5 years later following up with another exam. The prep involves liquids and some nasty solution which I tolerated fairly well. I went to bed early hoping to sleep well enough not to feel my pangs of hunger, keeping in mind that this too shall pass, and that there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Puns intended.

At any rate, it is over now and I can happily say the exam was negative. There were no new polyps. "Come back in 5 years," doc said. And I will, because after 36 hours of hunger and discomfort, I was rewarded with the relief of knowing I was polyp-free, and with about 3 seconds of a most fantastic high from the sedation.

Just Passing By...

If you want to know how to waste even more time in the day, put yourself on Facebook. Because so many friends are involved, I tend to hang out there more than necessary just to read that they are chillin' out with their coffee or eating a free subway sandwich--numerous short sentences or quips made (written) in passing as if one were walking by the water cooler at work, or passing a friend on the street. Facebook has almost completely usurped the intrigue of the blogspot. So I'm paying homage to my old blog, hoping that someone will pass by me here and stay a while and spend some quality time with me.