Saturday, December 1, 2007

Here we are in December

Remember when I was griping about the heat last summer? Well, I'm not griping now. Finally, we are into the heart of Fall and slipping into Winter. The leaves on the trees were just blasting the shades of gold and red colors before dropping from their branches. Beautiful. Greta even loves it. She wants to go outside to lie on the deck and watch the goings on in the back yard, chase an occasional squirrel, and sniff the trail of the possum or raccoon that had visited the yard during the night.
As I sit here sipping my coffee in the quiet of the early morning, watching the sunrise, the dog at my feet, and He is still upstairs sleeping, I can't help but feel gratitude for everthing we have: Friends, family near and far, peace, no fear of hunger or war on our doorsteps, and many other such things we tend to take for granted.

That's it for now. Go smile at a stranger.

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