Sunday, August 24, 2008


Yeah, yeah, I haven't been posting. So alright, already. It is just that it's so boring around here there isn't anything to say. I've been cooking, cleaning, and fussing in the yard. I've been walking the dog (and a bit more) and riding my bike more around the neighborhood--to save gas and to improve my health. There are fewer trips to the store and less running around. There is the making of soaps and candles, and getting ready for the Fall and Holiday markets. There are the neighborhood activities, National Night Out picnic in the street, block meetings, neighborhood association meetings, art fair meetings and volunteer recruiting for the annual fair. . .

He has been publishing and printing and database upkeep; yard work, repair work around the house, painting and mending woodwork. He walks and he rides bikes and is staying in shape. He has traveled to IL to help his mother.

Together we dine, read books (You, Staying Young and You, the Owners Manual) and watch TV, with NetFlix our best friend we await the new season. (The Olympics and politics seem to be dominating our evenings--blasted politics.) We go out a couple times of months with Kate'n Jim.

That's pretty much it, did I bore you too much? Even so, I'll try hard to keep in touch.

By the way, did you hear about the 83 year old woman who talked herself out of a speeding ticket by telling the young officer that she had to get there before she forgot where she was going?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Aging and the Thermostat

I'm here to admit that we have noticed a tolerance for the Missouri summer, more this year than all our years prior. I mean, last summer most my entries complained about the heat. The thermostat was always set on 68-70 degrees in the house. I ran around the house with as little on as possible. It has been different this year. Although we still don't like the heat and humidity of midwest summers, it has been more tolerable. We keep the thermostat at a fairly constant 77 degrees with the fan on to move the air around. Interesting.

It has long been understood that elderly people are less sensitive to heat than the younger population. They perspire less and are more likely to have health problems requiring medications that can impair the body's response to heat. While I don't relish the thought of placing myself in the category of the elderly, it seems to be a fact that I cannot deny. So, I'm reminding you: Please check on the elderly during extreme heat and cold. (It'll be nice to see you.)

I saw men whom thirty years had changed but slightly; but their wives had
grown old. These were good women; it is very wearing to be good.

- Life on the Mississippi