Thursday, September 6, 2007

Well, it's like this, see...

I haven't posted anything for a bit because it appears that I've only been complaining about the hot weather. So, I waited for something new and exciting to happen to talk about. That's not working. It is pretty much same-o same-o around here. But I did have a tooth pulled last week.

A couple of years ago I had a root canal done by an aging dentist whose hands shook mildly as he worked. I was a bit worried about this but stayed in the chair and had the work done. Well, it's like this, see...

I developed a root canal infection.

I've copied information from an Atlanta Dental website that fully explains the problem.

There are several causes of a bad root canal. The most common reason is inadequate filling of the canals. The filling may not have sealed the entire canal space and an unfilled area at the end of the root contains dead nerve
material. This dead tissue rots, develops a root canal infection and results in
root canal pain.

A root canal infection can become serious and spread to other areas of the face and skull. It is not uncommon for teeth to die and get infected. Since the tooth is dead, blood can't enter the tooth and bring protective immune cells to kill the infection, so the problem grows. In most cases the infection spreads to the surrounding bone.

In most cases, a bad root canal can have root canal retreatment but the success rate of the therapy is much lower than with new root canals. If the root canal tooth
continues to have problems then root canal surgery or a dental extraction are

I opted for the extraction.

I was referred to a reputable oral surgeon (with steady hands). The dental assistant called me in and as I approached her I said, "I want the gas! Just give me the gas." She laughed as she showed me the chair.

So, the tooth is out now and I'm recovering nicely, thank you very much, and getting back to a regular schedule.

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