Monday, October 4, 2010

Diary of Rehabiltation

On Fri, Oct 1, 2010
Dear Friends,
A few days have passed since our last note essentially because things are settling down a bit. I've been busy trying to get the house set up to accommodate Him, trying to keep him on the 1st floor and not have to go up/down stairs, trying to set up schedules, and limits, etc. Fortunately, we have friends and family that have pitched in to cook some dinners, gone to the grocery store, run errands, etc. I can't thank you enough. (Greg G. and Cathy, the chicken, rice and beans were delicious! I'd LOVE the recipe for those beans)

We had a big day today. We left at 10 a.m. and got back around 4:30 p.m. Went to the orthopedic surgeon regarding his broken radial bone in his left arm which is healing nicely, Thank goodness he doesn't need to keep wearing a sling, and he can begin mild exercising but might not regain all the strength or range of motion in that elbow (he goes back in 5 weeks for follow-up). And, he started rehab today: speech, occupational therapy and physical therapy. He did fairly well on the evaluation for PT and OT, showing that he needs some work. He shows needs especially in Speech therapy because of memory, concentration, cognitive problems, and communication glitches.
Cognitive problems include memory, reasoning, problem solving, speed of mental processing, judgment, attention and concentration.

Communication problems
Language and communications problems include: Inability to organize thoughts and ideas, trouble starting conversations, trouble following conversations

Sensory problems
He has ringing in the ears, difficulty recognizing objects, and a bit of trouble with balance.

We have homework to do 15 min. a session, 4 times a day, reading and some cognitive therapy sites on the computer, and short exercises like walking to the end of the block and back.
We are going to an Art Fair tomorrow for a while as an outing and a bit of exercise. We are sure to run into some friends there. Looking forward to it.
Until the next time...
Me and He
Oct 2nd
Up at 7 a.m. Breakfast: omelet with asparagus, broccoli, onion, 2 slice whole grain toast, orange juice, green tea. Showered and shaved by 9:30 a.m. Did one cognitive exercise then he napped until 11 am.
At 11 am we went to the art fair and we made one loop around then went to see friends Kate and Jim who live on the same street as the fair was held. Got home at 12:45 pm. and had lunch. I wore myself out pushing and pulling that wheelchair--lots of work on the back. Oooo…But He got the nap, napping 1:45 until just after 3 pm. Then we played "follow Him around the house." hahah

4:00-4:15 pm playing memory game (brain stimulation, cognitive), then dinner, a little TV and bed at 9:00 pm. I stayed up until midnight working on paperwork and searching for clues to financial things on the computer. Hope to make appt. with social worker next week. I'm losing track of myself. I get my exercise from running around in circles.

Oct 3rd
Up at 7 am. No shower or shaving today--too much work everyday. Ha. Dressed, watched Sunday Morning on channel 4, had breakfast (french toast, oj, tea). Then we went to the grocery store to get a few things. I told Him what we needed then took him to the isles and had him find the item on the shelf. Milk, bread, fruit, juice, etc. He recognized the brands we used and got the correct things. He became a little impatient in one isle when several people were close to us shopping for similar items, (there were many juices to choose from, too confusing, and too many people) but we managed. We checked out and loaded things into the car. Then we went to a neighborhood coffee shop and had a scone and a cup of coffee. He ate the scone but didn't drink much coffee. I've noticed that his taste for coffee has changed.
He has been taking his Tylenol for pain in his arm and leg.

Now we are home and He is taking a nap. I'm trying to clean things up a bit and rest too. Gotta be ready for whatever...He seems to be getting a bit better, though. And the routine helps.
Take care,
Me and He
Oct 3 afternoon
After his nap, He and I worked on his cognitive/memory therapy exercise with denominations of coins, grouping like items and stacking, identifying cards, recognizing and separating the suits, both simple and complex instructions. He did well on the simple and had a little trouble on the complex. Total time: 25 min.
4:00 pm. Daisy got out of the yard through the neighbors broken fence and then out their open front gate. I believe she had been gone 30-45 min. before I discovered her missing. I was working with Dennis with his cognitive and memory exercises. Anyway, I “dragged” Him out to the car (not wanting to leave him home alone), leash in hand, and we took off driving around the neighborhood yelling “Daisy!” out of the car window. We found her at the art fair just a few blocks from our house. She had decided to check it out and was having a great time sniffing things. (I wonder how she did at the food court.) So we are back home now and Daisy unapologetically bounded out the back door and started to chase the squirrels up trees. Sigh.
 Wheelchair: The wheelchair for Him is only temporary and use of it is recommended by the Neurologists and therapists for now. When he walks, he is unstable. If we go for long distances he needs the wheelchair. Also, the sidewalks in the neighborhood are uneven, cracked, and can be difficult to maneuver even by the fittest. It has also be recommended that we use a gait belt, even in the house. So far I have just been hanging onto his clothing to stabilize him.

At 6:30 his evening, Dennis suddenly had insight to his order-processing for his business. We went upstairs where he figured out where the files were on the computer and then processed the orders that have come in since his accident. Major, MAJOR improvement. Do you feel our relief?