I was initially planning on fostering a dog for a while. But, when I brought this little critter home for the night, He fell for her. "Let's keep her," He said. It isn't as though he took one look into her eyes and fell in love. For those of you who know Him, you know He is a great researcher of facts. He studies every angle, researches every imaginable question, and spends hours, days, weeks, and heck, months sometimes to make up his mind. He is practical. He liked her small size (Greta weighed 70+ lbs. and we had to carry her a lot in her last months of life). He liked the fact that Beagles have less physical problems than larger breeds (Greta was a German Shepherd and had arthritis and spine problems, hip dysplasia and a knee replacement). With these facts in mind and considering our ages, being older, senior citizens if you will, and our abilities to take care of another animal at this stage in our lives (plus, she would be less expensive). I wasn't so sure. Still stinging from the loss of my beloved Greta, I wasn't convinced that this little one would be able to fill the hole in my heart. But I realized that by taking Daisy in would not replace the dog I had lost. I could ramble on and get sappy but I won't.
Anyway, we adopted Daisy May. He named her "Daisy" and I attached the "May." She simply must have a middle name. Daisy for the little flower she is, and May for the month we found her. Daisy May.
Welcome home Daisy May, you lucky dog.